關燈 巨大 直達底部

 bad action to mark broadly and clearly the line of separation between them。

The world may not like to see these ideas dissevered; for it has been accustomed to blend them; finding it convenient to make external show pass for sterling worth—to let white…washed walls vouch for clean shrines。 It may hate him who dares to scrutinise and expose—to rase the gilding; and show base metal under it—to perate the sepulchre; and reveal charnel relics: but hate as it will; it is indebted to him。

Ahab did not like Micaiah; because he never prophesied good concerning him; but evil; probably he liked the sycophant son of Chenaannah better; yet might Ahab have escaped a bloody death; had he but stopped his ears to flattery; and opened them to faithful counsel。

There is a man in our own days whose words are not framed to tickle delicate ears: who; to my thinking; es before the great ones of society; much as the son of Imlah came before the throned Kings of Judah and Israel; and who speaks truth as deep; with a power as prophet…like and as vital—a mien as dauntless and as daring。 Is the satirist of “Vanity Fair” admired in high places? I cannot tell; but I think if some of those amongst whom he hurls the Greek fire of his sarcasm; and over whom he flashes the levin…brand of his denunciation; were to take his warnings in time—they or their seed might yet escape a fatal Rimoth…Gilead。

Why have I alluded to this man? I have alluded to him; Reader; because I think I see