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“Whenever I can be useful; sir。”

“For instance; the night before I am married! I am sure I shall not be able to sleep。 Will you promise to sit up with me to bear me pany? To you I can talk of my lovely one: for now you have seen her and know her。”

“Yes; sir。”

“She’s a rare one; is she not; Jane?”

“Yes; sir。”

“A strapper—a real strapper; Jane: big; brown; and buxom; with hair just such as the ladies of Carthage must have had。 Bless me! there’s Dent and Lynn in the stables! Go in by the shrubbery; through that wicket。”

As I went one way; he went another; and I heard him in the yard; saying cheerfully—

“Mason got the start of you all this morning; he was gone before sunrise: I rose at four to see him off。”

Chapter 21

Presentiments are strange things! and so are sympathies; and so are signs; and the three bined make one mystery to which humanity has not yet found the key。 I never laughed at presentiments in my life; because I have had strange ones of my own。 Sympathies; I believe; exist (for instance; bet