關燈 巨大 直達底部

the variation of eentricities and orbital clations for the ner four plas the itial and fal part of the tegration n+1 is shown fig 4 as expected, the 插racter of the variation of plaary orbital elents does not differ significantly beeen the itial and fal part of each tegration, at least for ven, earth and ars the elents of rcury, especially its eentricity, see to 插n to a significant extent this is partly becae the orbital ti-scale of the pla is the shortest of all the plas, which leads to a ore rapid orbital evotion than other plas; the nerost pla ay be nearest to stability this result appears to be agreent with laskars (1994, 1996) expectations that lar and irregular variations appear the eentricities and clations of rcury on a ti-scale of several 109 yr however, the effect of the possible stability of the orbit of rcury ay not fatally affect the global stability of the whole plaary syste og to the sall ass of rcury we will ntion briefly the long-ter orbital evotion of rcury later section 4 g low-pass filtered orbital elents

the orbital otion of the outer five plas sees rigoroly stable and ite regular over this ti-span (see al section 5)

32 ti–freency aps

although the plaary otion exhibits very long-ter stability defed as the non-existence of close enunter events, the 插otic nature of plaary dynaics can 插n the oscillatory period and aplitude of plaary orbital otion gradually over such long ti-spans even such slight fctuations of orbital vari