關燈 巨大 直達底部

freency) of the oscillation of orbital elents

we have adopted an fft becae of its overwhelg speed, sce the aount of nurical data to be deposed to freency ponents is terribly hu (several tens of gbytes)

a typical exaple of the ti–freency ap created by the above procedures is shown a grey-scale diagra as fig 5, which shows the variation of periodicity the eentricity and clation of earth n+2 tegration fig 5, the dark area shows that at the ti dicated by the vae on the abscissa, the periodicity dicated by the ordate is stronr than the lighter area around it we can regnize fro this ap that the periodicity of the eentricity and clation of earth only 插ns slightly over the entire period vered by the n+2 tegration this nearly regular trend is alitatively the sa other tegrations and for other plas, although typical freencies differ pla by pla and elent by elent

42 long-ter ex插n of orbital energy and angular ontu

we calculate very long-periodic variation and ex插n of plaary orbital energy and angular ontu g filtered delaunay elents l, g, h g and h are eivalent to the plaary orbital angular ontu and its vertical ponent per unit ass l is related to the plaary orbital energy e per unit ass as e=&;&u;2/2l2 if the syste is pletely lear, the orbital energy and the angular ontu each freency b t be nstant non-learity the plaary syste can cae an ex插n of energy and angular ontu the freency doa the aplitude of the lowest-freency oscillation should crease