eans' major means of lootion。 鯨保留有尾巴,卻缺少尾片,而尾片是現代鯨目動物的主要運動手段。
派生 whaling(n。 捕鯨)
wipe[waip]n。/v。 擦,揩,抹
搭配 wipe out 抹掉,擦去;徹底消滅
例句 Even though a few hardy species survived; most of the older organisms were almost wiped out。 即使有少數頑強的物種活了下來,但大部分較古老的生物幾乎被徹底消滅了。
abstraction[?b'str?k?n]n。 提取;抽象概念;走神
搭配 principle of abstraction 抽象原則
例句 1。 The twentieth…century art showed that naturalism does not necessarily follow abstraction in some kind of predetermine sequence。 20世紀的藝術顯示,自然主義不必遵守那些預先確定的抽象概念。
2。 They were concerned that so many people would be“drawn”to these new conceptions only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities is just too great to bridge。 他們擔心許多人會被這些新的理念所吸引,卻最終發現抽象世界與現實之間的鴻溝大得無法逾越。
例句 1。 This process might be accelerated during the next decades if global warming resulting from air pollution is seriously increasing。 如果空氣汙染導致的全球變暖愈發嚴重,這一過程可能在接下來的幾十年內加速。
2。 News media accelerates the citizens' concentration on social issues。 新聞媒體加深了公民對社會問題的關注程度。
同義 quicken(v。 加速)
派生 acceleration(n。 加速)
要點 在託福閱讀中,也常用到accelerate的過去分詞形式accelerated,如短語accelerated erosion“加速侵蝕”,指的是人類活動逐漸破壞陸地的自然狀態,加快了某些自然因素的作用,從而引起地表土壤破壞和移動過程。
accuracy['?kj?r?si]n。 準確(性),精確(性)
例句 1。 Beginning in the thirteenth century; there were new maps refined by precise calculations that made the sailors able to trace their path with accuracy。 從1