關燈 巨大 直達底部


搭配 due to 由於;due date 到期日,支付日

例句 1。 Both the north and the south areas were lack of surface water probably due to the fact that most of it was used up for agricultural purposes。 南部和北部地區都缺乏地表水,很可能是因為大部分的地表水都被用於農業了。

2。 The changes of lake level must be due to the net difference between what seeps into the lake from the groundwater and what leaks into the groundwater。 湖面水位的改變一定是因為流入湖的地下水和滲透到地下水中的湖水之間存在淨差。

3。 It bees possible to judge whether a lake's flow is mainly due to its surface inputs and outputs or to its underground inputs and outputs; once all this information has been gathered。 一旦資訊收集齊全,就可以判斷湖水的流量主要取決於地表水的輸入和輸出,還是地下水的輸入和輸出。

duplicate['du:plikeit]v。 複寫,複製['du:plik?t]a。 完全相同的 n。 複製品

搭配 duplicate a key 配鑰匙;in duplicate 一式兩份

例句 Skilled locksmiths can make duplicate keys from detailed source material。 技藝高超的鎖匠能夠根據一些詳盡的原材料配出鑰匙。

要點 duplicate本身可以作形容詞,意為“完全相同的”;但它作動詞時可以派生出另一個形容詞,即duplicated“複製的”,託福閱讀中考過該詞的用法,與之意思相同的是copied。

durable['dur?bl]a。 持久的;耐用的

例句 1。 Snail and clam shells are durable and resist dissolving; but over time they slowly begin to change。 蝸牛和蛤蜊的殼能儲存很久,並能抵禦分解作用,但久而久之它們也會慢慢開始變化。

2。 Beads were probably the first durable ornaments that we possessed。 珠子可能是我們最先擁有的耐用的裝飾品。

duration[du'rei?n]n。 持續的時間

例句 1。 The middle… and upper…latitude timberlines are strongly influenced by the duration and depth of the snow cover。 中高緯度的樹帶界線受到積雪的覆蓋時間和積雪深度的強烈影響。

2。 An animal usually maint