關燈 巨大 直達底部

world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them。 瞭解儘可能多的埃及名流的世界觀以及為他們所創作的藝術的功能和內涵,對於瞭解古埃及藝術是很重要的。

emphasis['emf?sis]n。 強調,重點

例句 1。 Certainly; one would have to place great emphasis on this almost instinct for the territorial imperative in trying to explain the Roman phenomenon。 當然,想試圖解釋羅馬現象,就必須強調這種對於領土近乎本能的需求。

2。 In the late nineteenth century; ecology began to grow into an independent science and the emphasis of this new“munity ecology”was on the position and structure of munities consisting of different species。 19世紀末,生態學逐漸發展成為一門獨立的科學,這一新“群體生態學”強調的是不同生物群體的組成和結構。

要點 emphasis常常和介詞on連用,表�