ortraits could never stop time。 He’s been insisting
for years that my picture of bliss could never be painted anyhow。
Perhaps he’s right。 In actuality; we don’t look for smiles in pictures of bliss;
but rather; for the happiness in life itself。 Painters know this; but this is
precisely what they cannot depict。 That’s why they substitute the joy of seeing
for the joy of life。
In the hopes that he might pen this story; which is beyond depiction; I’ve
told it to my son Orhan。 Without hesitation I gave him the letters Hasan and
Black sent me; along with the rough horse illustrations with the smeared ink;
which were found on poor Elegant Effendi。 Above all; don’t be taken in by
Orhan if he’s drawn Black more absentminded than he is; made our lives
harder than they are; Shevket worse and me prettier and harsher than I am。
For the sake of a delightful and convincing story; there isn’t a lie Orhan
wouldn’t deign to tell。
1990–92; 1994–98
336–330 B。C。: Darius ruled in Persia。 He was the last king of the
Achaemenids; losing his empire to Alexander the Great。
336–323 B。C。: Alexander the Great established his empire。 He conquered
Persia and invaded India。 His exploits as hero and monarch were legendary
throughout the Islamic world even until modern times。