關燈 巨大 直達底部

he clash of metal

singed the hides of the horses which gave off smoke。 The fight was a lengthy

one。 The Turanian shot arrows; the Persian maneuvered his sword and horse

skillfully; and finally; the mysterious Persian felled the Turanian after catching

him by the tail of his steed。 He then chased after Shengil who was trying to

escape; and grabbed him by his armor from behind before taking him by the

neck。 As he accepted his defeat; the Turanian; still curious about the identity of

the mysterious warrior; asked without hope what everybody had wondered for

days; ”Who are you?“ ”To you;“ replied the mysterious warrior; ”my name is

Death。“ Tell me then; my friends; who was he?”

“The legendary Rüstem;” said Butterfly with childlike glee。

I kissed him on the neck。 “We’ve all betrayed Master Osman;” I said。

“Before he metes out his punishment; we must find Olive; rid ourselves of this

venom in our midst and e to an agreement so we can stand strong against

the eternal enemies of art and those who long to send us directly to dungeons

of torture。 Perhaps; when we arrive at Olive’s abandoned dervish house; we’ll

learn that the cruel murderer isn’t even one of our lot。”

Poor Butterfly uttered not a sound。 Regardless of how talented; confident

or well supported he might be; just like all illuminators who sought one
