關燈 巨大 直達底部

to make their wayinto his inner sphere of contemplation。 His countenance; in thisrepose; was mild and kindly。 If his notice was sought; an expressionof courtesy and interest gleamed out upon his features; proving thatthere was light within him; and that it was only the outward medium ofthe intellectual lamp that obstructed the rays in their passage。 Thecloser you perated to the substance of his mind; the sounder itappeared。 When no longer called upon to speak; or listen; either ofwhich operations cost him an evident effort; his face would brieflysubside into its former not uncheerful quietude。 It was not painful tobehold this look; for though dim; it had not the imbecility ofdecaying age。 The framework of his nature; originally strong andmassive; was not yet crumbled into ruin。 To observe and define his character; however; under suchdisadvantages; was as difficult a task as to trace out and build upanew; in imagination; an old fortress; like Ticonderoga; from a viewof its grey and broken ruins。 Here and there; perchance; the walls mayremain almost plete; but elsewhere may be only a shapeless mound;cumbrous with its very strength; and overgrown; through long yearsof peace and neglect; with grass and alien weeds。 Nevertheless; looking at the old warrior with affection… for; slightas was the munication between us; my feeling towards him; like thatof all bipeds and quadrupeds who knew him; might not improperly betermed so… I could discern the main points of his portrait。 It was