關燈 巨大 直達底部

as all。 But; nevertheless; it is anything but agreeable to behaunted by a suspicion that one's intellect is dwindling away; orexhaling; without your consciousness; like ether out of a phial; sothat; at every glance; you find a smaller and less volatileresiduum。 Of the fact there could be no doubt; and; examining myselfand others; I was led to conclusions; in reference to the effect ofpublic office on the character; not very favourable to the mode oflife in question。 In some other form; perhaps; I may hereafter developthese effects。 Suffice it here to say; that a Custom…House officer; oflong continuance; can hardly be a very praiseworthy or respectablepersonage; for many reasons; one of them; the tenure by which he holdshis situation; and another; the very nature of his business; which…though; I trust; an honest one… is of such a sort that he does notshare in the united effort of mankind。 An effect… which I believe to be observable; more or less; inevery individual who has occupied the position… is; that; while heleans on the mighty arm of the Republic; his own proper strengthdeparts from him。 He loses; in an extent proportioned to theweakness or force of his original nature; the capability ofself…support。 If he possess an unusual share of native energy; orthe enervating magic of place do not operate too long upon him; hisforfeited powers may be redeemable。 The ejected officer… fortunatein the unkindly shove that sends him forth betimes; to struggle amid astruggling world… ma