nd affection; to which he responded by stroking my hair with
irresistible fatherly concern? I began to see that Master Osman’s style of
painting; and the legacy of the old masters of Herat; had no future whatsoever。
And this abominable thought frightened me yet again。 After some tragedy; we
all feel the same way: In one last desperate hope; and without caring how
ic and foolish we might appear; we pray that everything might continue as
it always has。
“Let’s continue to illustrate our book;” I said。 “Let everything continue as it
always has。”
“There’s a murderer among the miniaturists。 I am continuing my work
with Black Effendi。”
Was he provoking me to kill him?
“Where is Black now?” I asked。 “Where is your daughter and her children?”
I sensed that some other power had placed these words into my mouth; yet
I couldn’t restrain myself。 There was no longer any way for me to be happy
and hopeful。 I could only be smart and sarcastic。 Behind these two always
entertaining jinns—intelligence and sarcasm—I sensed the presence of the
Devil; who controlled them; overing me。 At the same moment; the
accursed dogs beyond the gate began to howl madly as if they’d tracked the
scent of blood。
Had I lived this exact moment long ago? In a distant city; at a tim